De Bortoli Wines

Noble One 2016

Winner Gold Dessert (Unfortified) Wines
Grape Varieties
Semillon (96%) Riverina, NSW, Australia
Country of Origin
Alcohol Content
10.5% Alcohol by Volume
Wine Type and Oak Treatment
Still White with Oak Treatment
Recommended Retail Price
RRP AU $69.95

Baggy sulphides, toast and VA spike. Similar to nose, marzipan, hot & phenolic, cloying. Food : makes the wine appear less cloying and possibly more simpler.

A lovely wine with a rich waxy palate and aromas of honey and lemon and miraculously the match seems to make it richer and fresher.

Bright yellow-gold. Complex dried apple and dried-linen aromas. Sweet, slightly oily palate. Firm tannins mid- to back-palate. Low acidity. With food: no real improvement.

Lovely balanced mandarin characters on the nose and palate. Hints of apricot with great acid balance, texture and follow through. A lovely acid zing on the finish. A great match as the mango tartness gives the wine great structure and balance. Both works well in harmony.

Light gold. Lightly smoky, honeyed, toasty, peach and orange peel nose. Full, soft, sweet straightforward, honeyed, biscuit. Sweet slightly short finish.

A bright straw gold colour. The nose shows attractive citrus and spice characters. The palate is expressive with primary friuit notes complexing with some attractive development. A beautifully balanced wine which pairs well with food.

The Dessert (Unfortified) Wines were judged with

Bay panna cotta with mango and coconut

Presented by chef Marcell Kustos


Panna cotta

  • 7 sheets gelatine
  • 1050 ml cream
  • 700ml milk
  • 175g sugar
  • 2pc bay leaf
Mango puree
  • 2pc ripe mangoes, peeled, sliced
  • 6Tbsp honey
  • 0.5pc lime, juiced
To serve
  • 100g coconut flakes, toasted


  1. Weigh the ingredients for the panna cotta into a medium sauce pan and bring them to boil.
  2. Strain the mixture into your choice of serving vessel (e.g.: silicon shapes, cups) and place into fridge for at least 4 hours.
  3. In a blender, puree mangoes with honey and lime juice.
  4. Serve Pannacotta with a spoon on mango puree and toasted coconut flakes.