Make up a stock with chicken backbone, onion, carrot, bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns, and thyme. Strain.In a large saucepan, place the Pinot, 2 bay leaves, thyme, parsley and crushed clove of garlic.
Add stock. Reduce by half.
Dice the speck and cook with some butter and a little oil. Allow the fat to run out of the speck and then add the peeled eschallots. Allow to colour.
Add seasoned chicken pieces (salt and pepper) -try skin side down until coloured and turn, add brandy and flame. Pour in the wine stock, mix ??? a fresh bouquet garni and garlic.
Cover and cook until tender. Meanwhile cook the mushrooms in butter with salt and pepper and one crushed garlic cover.
When the chicken is cooked, strain off the sauce and thicken with the butter/flour mix. Add the chicken, eschallots, mushrooms and serve.